Certified Halal by JAKIM
Ref Number : MS1500 ( 1 016-12/2020 )
From 15 months onwards, your baby will be eager to try different types of new foods. LET’S NOURISH provides the nutrition to maintain your baby’s gut health during this phase. Soak before cooking & serve this grain with vegetables and protein. This combination of grains provides an interesting burst of flavour and experience for your little one. Each bite is an adventure in its own!
Dari umur 15 bulan, bayi anda tidak sabar-sabar untuk mencuba pelbagai jenis makanan baharu. LET’S NOURISH menyediakan nutrisi untuk mengekalkan kesihatan usus bayi anda semasa fasa penerokaan ini. Rendam sebelum masak dan hidangkan bersama sayur-sayuran dan daging.
Health Coach Recommendation: Purchase these grains together with Iron Power (Nutritionist Formulated Range) and alternate the 2 types of grains every 3 days for optimum nutrition! Example:
Day 1-3: Let’s Nourish
Day 4-6: Iron Power
Day 7-9: Let’s Nourish