Hugging Love Superfood Noodle specially designed with 3 stages for baby 6+ months, 7+months and 8+months to diversify your baby’s sense of taste.
Made with certified organic ingredients, no added salt & sugar, heavy metal tested
Stage 1: 6+ months
Millet Noodle (Orange colour)
Fine noodles with 15mm length to encourage your little one to learn dilute with saliva and swallow.
1. Millet
2. Pumpkin
3. Turmeric
4. Spinach
Stage 2: 7+ months
Wild Rice Noodle (Purple colour)
Thin noodles with longer 130mm length to encourage your little one to learn to slurp and chew.
1. Kelp
2. Beet Root
3. Wild Rice
4. Black Fungus
Stage 3: 9+ months
Quinoa Noodle (Green colour)
Flat noodles with bigger size and 130mm length to encourage your little one to learn bite and tongue rolling during eating process.
1. Chia Seed
2. Chlorella
3. Kale
4. Quinoa